July 2016
We are pleased to announce that we have been assessed as a MN3 flock in the Ovine Johne's Disease (OJD) Market Assurance Program.
What does this mean?
Excerpt from the SheepMAP guidelines (read the full document)...
The SheepMAP aims to identify, protect and promote flocks that are at low risk of being
infected with Johne’s disease. It is based on a testing regime and on the adoption of property
and management practices that minimise the risk of introducing Johne's disease into the flock.
The assessment of these practices and the testing of stock is the responsibility of veterinarians
who are trained and approved under the scheme.Flock testing, used to assess the risk of infection being present in a flock, comprises either
PFC with follow-up investigation of positive pools or a serological screening test with followup
investigation of reactors. The status allocated to a flock assessed as negative is "Monitored
Negative" (MN). Depending on how long a flock has participated in the program and the
number of times flock testing has been undertaken, it is allocated MN1, MN2 or MN3 status.
Assurance Level | How achieved | Relative Merit |
Monitored Negative 3 (MN3) | 3 negative sample tests of flock over a period of at least 4 years plus Flock Management Plan | Highest assessed Johne’s disease assurance level |
We are committed to maintaining high standards of animal health across our entire flock. Read more about Newbold's animal health program.