Flock Details
The current Newbold Poll Dorset flock consists of 250 ewes. At mating each ewe is assessed on her pedigree, Lambplan ASBVs and physical attributes before the best ram available is selected to be used. Lambing rates of 155% allow for high levels selection of young stock. One hundred maiden ewes are retained each year. Stud and flock rams are sold each year at our Annual On-Property Sale.OUR POLL DORSET STORY
The Newbold Dorset journey started in 1917, with the founding of Newbold Dorset Horn Flock #4 .
With stud master WJ Dawkins at the helm, Newbold quickly became the dominant flock in Australia.
Newbold Poll Dorset stud was founded in 1937 by W J Dawkins when a registered Corriedale ram was mated with one pure-bred Newbold Dorset Horn ewe. The progeny was a good polled ewe lamb. She was mated to a Newbold Dorset Horn ram in 1940, the progeny being a polled ram lamb, Newbold Poley No. 1 of 1941. Over the next 15 years the breeding up program continued, with the goal being to breed a Dorset Horn without horns.
In 1954 the Australian Poll Dorset Association was formed, Newbold being Flock #1. Former Newbold Stud Masters, 'WJ' Dawkins, his daughter, Louise Close (pictured right) and his son-in-law Jack Reddin have all been honoured with a Life Membership of the Poll Dorset Association. Bill Close the current Stud Master is a Board member and Past President of the Association. Newbold stock have played a major role in establishing the Poll Dorset breed as the dominant Prime lamb breed in Australia with over 700 stud flocks. Newbold rams have been exported to England, USA, India, South Africa and China.